Saturday, May 30, 2009

Family treasure

I am so lucky to be the caretaker of many of my family heirlooms and treasures. My favorite is an old ledger book that contains the "minutes" of family reunions that started in 1875. The last entry is for the 38th reunion in 1913. Each year family members were nominated to be the next year's Pres, Vice-pres, Treasurer and Secretary, how neat is that!!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

An award

Thanks so much to the wonderful Tammy Smith of Homemade Circus for giving me this lovely blog award. Please stop by Tammy's blog or shop to see her amazing, whimsical creations!! She is a superb artist and a great person. When you look at her work you cannot help but smile, that is what great art is all about!

this is a sampling of her work

I would like to forward this award along to my friend Valerie Weberpal of Harvest Moon. Please stop by here to view her blog and tell her Cheryl sent you!!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Another reenactment

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday weekend! We went to a couple of flea markets, a few picnics and the highlight was Wyatt's and I trip to Burton to attend another Civil War reenactment. Here are some of my favorite photos. Wyatt finally found a fellow sharpshooter and was thrilled to get his picture taken with him!
Abe and some beautifully dressed young ladies

The wonderful "ladies" that attend the the soldiers before they go off to battle!

Friday, May 22, 2009

In memory

The other day I came across some old religious medals that belonged to my great grandmother Alma. To honor her and and her brave battle but ultimate loss to breast cancer I created this necklace. Now every time I wear it I will have a little part of her with me and will remember her and all the women who have battled or are fighting breast cancer.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Spring Fling

Wow, what a wonderful time I had at the Earth Angels Spring Fling show!! It was such a thrill to meet everyone that came from near and far to see all the wonderful artists gathered there. The highlight for me was meeting my longtime friend Nancy Migliorino who I have known online for over 5 years!

I have lots of pics to share of my booth and the other amazing art at the show!

I was so lucky to be able to have a few of Nicol Sayre's amazing dolls share sit in my booth!

Here are some sweet creations of Nicole Bowen with bears by Pat Murphy in the background.

The spectacular paintings of Laurie Meseroll

The colorful creations of Jody Battaglia

The stunning jewelry by Dara DiMagno

The beautiful paintings of Stacey Bear
The adorable pin cushions made by Debbie Hartwick
The fantastic pottery of Jill Wiener
The whimsical art of Kitty Babendreier

The huggable,lovable creations of Valerie Weberpal

Thanks so much to Valerie for making the 15 hour round trip drive to and from the show a total blast! She was a fantastic navigator since I have no sense of

Please stop by the Earth Angels blog to see more pics of Jennifer Lanne, Debbie Thibault, Letty Worley, Barbara Strawser, Diana Card and their art and to see the visitors that came to this magical show!! Thanks so much to our fearless and energetic leader Jen O'Connor for gathering all of us together and promoting the fellowship of women. Thanks too to the amazing Jo Packham for inspiring us all to keep creating and to reach for the stars!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

New York here I come!

I will be leaving early tomorrow morning and heading on my way to the Earth Angels Show in New York. I am picking up fellow Earth Angel artist Valerie Weberpal and we will make the 7 1/2 hour drive together, it should be a ton of fun!!,
Here is Valerie in her studio.

I hope that I will be able to see many of you there, if not please check out the Earth Angel blog show event on Sunday night at 8pm EST. Each artist at the show will be offering 2 pieces of work and there will be work from the artisans that were unable to attend the show. Just stop by Jen's blog and see all the wonderful offerings available.
I will post lots of pics when I get back!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

My favs

As I am getting things packed up for the show this weekend, I thought I would share the pieces that are my favorites!

Monday, May 11, 2009


I hope that everyone enjoyed a Happy Mother's Day. My son and I went to the mall where he let me pick out a cd that I wanted and we went to lunch. Hubby provided dinner so that I did'nt have to cook and treated me to Dairy Queen for dessert. All in all a wonderful day!!!

I also want to thank my mom for a great find. Her neighbor was throwing out these wonderful metal chairs. My mom thought they would be perfect with the metal glider I am restoring so she snagged them for me! A new coat of paint and some pretty pillows and these will make a great addition on the porch....thanks mom!!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Blog award

I just was honored by the wonderful Tina of tiny bear with the Neno Award.

Thank you Tina so much for passing this award on to me, for those of you who don't know Tina and her wonderful, sweet little bears please stop by and check out her wonderful blog

Tiny Bear

1) A dedication for those who love blogging and love to encourage friendships thru blogging.
2) to seek the reasons why we all love blogging.

Reason: I decided to start blogging because I am a shy person and blogging is a great way to get to meet many wonderful people without the pressure of meeting face to face! It was also a way for me to get to know others that share the same passions that I do. It has been a real pleasure and joy for me to get to know so many wonderful women and to now count them as friends!

I would like to present and pass this award on to two blogs that are very special to me

Laura of 52 Flea
Amy of Roses,Radishes and Rubbish

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Getting ready for the show!

I have been busy working away getting pieces done for the show next week. Here is a sneak peek of a few finished things, sorry if the pics look a little off, it is so dark and dreary here that the flash is making things look a little wonky!!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

A step back into the past.

Yesterday, my son and granddaughter... ( yes, i just became a proud grandma at the age of 42 of a soon to be 14 yr. old sweetie named Jenny. She just moved from CA to live with my daughter and her hubby. It is so surreal for my daughter to be a step-mom at the age of 20 to kids not much younger than her!) .... drove down to Mansfield OH to a Civil War re-enactment and show.
My son and I try to go to as many of these as we can since it is something that we both enjoy. He wears his sharpshooter hat and gun. The highlight for them was to get their pic taken with Pres. Lincoln and meeting General Buford. We can't wait to go to the next one in Burton in just a couple of weeks. It will be held in a century village with old homes, a church and vintage mercantile.
Someday I would love to wear one of the old-fashioned dresses with the hoops skirt, but my son said that would be totally embarrassing for him to go with me like that!!.....but is'nt that what moms do, embarrass their

Friday, May 1, 2009


I saw this pic on the internet and thought it was the most adorable thing. It brought a smile to my face, hope it does the same for you!!