Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Another reenactment

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday weekend! We went to a couple of flea markets, a few picnics and the highlight was Wyatt's and I trip to Burton to attend another Civil War reenactment. Here are some of my favorite photos. Wyatt finally found a fellow sharpshooter and was thrilled to get his picture taken with him!
Abe and some beautifully dressed young ladies

The wonderful "ladies" that attend the the soldiers before they go off to battle!


  1. Hi Cheryl!
    It looks like it was a beautiful day and that all had a good time...what a wonderful event for your son to be involved with...
    Take care! Laura

  2. WOW! so glad I found you...you seem very interesting! I too, would love to do the reenactment.....with 5 small children it's a bit difficult to say the least :)
    awsome though!

  3. CHERYL,

    Thanks os much for sharing all the pictures. It's so cool that you and Wyatt have something to share together like this. For me I am nosy about the clothing and the "stuff" to look at...I always thought that if I did reencating i'd want to be a fife player,:) Hope you found some good stuff at the flea market..I need to get to the shop I was telling you about..SOON:) hugs, Amy
