Saturday, May 30, 2009

Family treasure

I am so lucky to be the caretaker of many of my family heirlooms and treasures. My favorite is an old ledger book that contains the "minutes" of family reunions that started in 1875. The last entry is for the 38th reunion in 1913. Each year family members were nominated to be the next year's Pres, Vice-pres, Treasurer and Secretary, how neat is that!!


  1. Hi Cheryl,

    YOu are so blessed to have such family treasures such as your pictures and ledger entries..etc. Tim was blessed that some one saved the newspaper article of his great parents' 50th anniversary party.:) Now I can see another component of your inspiration for your art pieces....:) Hope you are having a great weekend.:) lotsa hugs, Amy

  2. How thrilling to have these documents in your possession!

  3. That is REALLY neat! Your family treasures are always the best....
    Take care, Laura

  4. that is amazing that you have such treasured heirlooms...that must be why you love old papers so...i love your new banner!!!

  5. How kewl is this,,love the herilooms. I love the piece on your banner,,,perfect!
