Sunday, March 6, 2011

Waiting for Spring

I am anxiously awaiting the Spring weather so that I can get back to rooting around at flea markets and garage sales to find all those rusty, worn out goodies to create with! We have had a horrible winter and I am ready to get out into the sunshine and get to pickin. I am dipping into my precious reserves to create with but I am still creating away!

This little flower has put me into the Spring mood and I cannot wait to see the real things blossoming.

The colors in the wood plinth made me also think of Spring with the yellow, purble, blue and green peeking through.

I so love this quote

This large change purse was just begging for a chain and a pretty Spring flower to be attached, along with some lace and bling of course!

This piece would not photograph well for me but I hope you can get an idea of what it is like. I had an old coffee tin that made the perfect little home for this sweet pair of children and I attached it to a metal base with fabric wrapped wires entwined. I think that lace and little butterfly added a touch of Spring.
So please Mother Nature can you stop the snow, the rains and the flooding we have been beseiged with and bring us a little Spring weather here in Northeast Ohio, pretty please???


  1. I am beckoning for spring too! These new works are amazing. I really like the flowers. Very, very clever!

  2. As usual, you've done it again. Your music for your blog should be "oops I've done it again!" by Brittany Spears...Your creations are incredible and I too am ready for Spring. We had warmer weather during the day in the South, but old man winter has snuck back in with wind, rain and cold...I know nothing like your winters, but my Southern body just does not deal with the cold. Keep Junkin'.. Tiff "The Cranky Queen"

  3. Awesome creations Cheryl.
    LOVE the purse.
    xo Tina

  4. These are great but especially love the flower.

  5. Every time I visit, you amaze me with your talent. I do love these new creations.
    Winter is not giving up easily this year, I hope you are not in the flood areas. Hang in there.


  6. How beautiful creation! Just precious! I love the quote too!

  7. As always, these take my breath away. Can't wait to see what you come up with for summer!

  8. Love all your creations. I really like how you incorporate fabrics in your work
