Tuesday, December 8, 2009

My favorite xmas decorations are..

the old figured Christmas candles. They remind me of my childhood Christmas'. My mom had a whole collection of them and unfortunately they were discarded so now I am always on the lookout for pieces to rebuild a new collection! They just make me smile!


  1. Hi Cheryl!
    I love those old candles too! In fact, there is an entire box full someplace around here...I think in the basement...may have to go digging tonight after work! I hope that you are enjoying this holiday season with your family!
    Take care, Laura

  2. P.S. I LOVE that piece in your header!! Is he for sale?

  3. That little one was the first one to sell. I liked him so much I had to give him a special place on the blog!

  4. Hi Cheryl, I too, love those candles. I actually "stole" an angel from my mom awhile back. Love your collection.:)

  5. i love your banner Cheryl!!! soooooo sweet:)

    your little candles are adorable...i am glad you are finding pieces to build a new collection for yourself...i'll bet seeing them brings back all sorts of childhood memories...

  6. MINE! My mom also had loads of the old Tavern candles. I would play with them as a child...we had lots of choir boys and girls and would stack them on home made risers. Thanks for such a sweet memory. Sea Witch

  7. Wonderful new banner:D The vintage candles are adorable................what is it about "old" that is so indearing?
