Wednesday, March 25, 2009

If only....

If I ever win the lottery I would'nt purchase a fancy new car or buy diamonds. I would start collecting santos'. To me they are such beautiful works of art and invoke such a feeling of peace and tranquility when i look at them.
I am currently madly in love with these pieces that are on ebay. I could sit for hours and look at them and can only imagine what it would be like to see them in person. I hope that whoever wins them will treasure them like they should be, I just wish I could be the one!


  1. ME TOOOOOO!! I ADORE VINTAGE SANTOS, and when I become rich, I plan on having hundreds of them!! You can come visit!! LOL

  2. well, wait a minute here...don't forget our other plan for if one of us hits the lottery...the stalking one...remember {?}...then you may buy as many santos as your heart desires...i loooooove the serene face on the second one down...she is lovely...

  3. Oh Cheryl...what a lovely post....they are just beautiful. I have one Santos and I love her dearly....and i agree with you that they evoke a sense of tranquility.

  4. Cheryl, These are pretty amazing. I have this very weird phobia of religious objects such as crucifixes and statues etc. My room mates in college would give me such a hard time and a good laugh when I would tell them about some of my nightmares that plagued me as a child. I can surely see why these are so special... my "creep meter" isn't even going off! heehee

  5. Those are called Santos? They are just amazing!


  6. They are wonderful. Believe one will come your way, it will.
