Monday, January 26, 2009

flea market finds

With the weather being so cold I am very limited to my favorite past time of heading to the flea markets. Luckily I live by an all year round one that has booths inside during the cold winter months. I was able to find a few little goodies to share with you. Love the old postcard and jewelry bits, can't wait to make some necklaces and do something with the wonderful tintypes!


  1. i can't wait to see how you transform your new goodies Cheryl!!!

  2. Hi Cheryl,

    Good to hear from you and thanks for the kind words!:) OMGoodness, Didn't realize you were still babysitting too!:) I don't know how you do it all! What great the medals. you have such chance are you making more jewelry? Are you doing any of the other Earth Angel Shows??

  3. Yes, i am currently working on some new jewelry and will post pics when they are finished. I will be at Jen's Spring show, i hope you will be able to come again!

  4. O fun - wish we had a decent market round here , I love treasure hunting :)

  5. Can't wait for the weather to get nice again when I can visit the flea markets and garage sales!!! That is the best time for restocking my stash....LOL
