Sunday, January 18, 2009

and the winner is...........

Well, i was going to post pics of my son drawing the name out of his hat but for some reason blogger is not cooperating with me so i cannot post the pics. So instead I asked the accounting team of Ernst and Young, you know those men in the suits at the Oscars, if they would do the honors of posting the winner on the next award show but they turned me down...boy this is not going to be a very ta da! moment let's just imagine a drumroll playing and Hugh Jackman in his suave Australian accent saying " and the necklace goes to........."


Congratulations Joy! Thanks so much for your lovely comment and if you would please send me your address I will send the necklace on it's way to you

Thank you all for your wonderful comments and for making me feel so welcome. I look forward to another giveaway in the future. So please excuse me while i go thank Hugh for a job well


  1. Cheryl......I am so glad to have found your blog! I have three of your pieces I bought several years ago and a vintage photo of "twins....miracle" you sent me as a gift! Love your pieces and will be back.....Linda

  2. Congratulations Joy!
    I am lucky enough to have two of the necklaces Cheryl has made. Everytime I wear one I feel as if I am wearing a beautiful work of art! I love Cheryl's artwork and the poems on them make me smile. I have received many compliments on the necklaces and I am sure you will too. Have fun!

  3. Yeah! Joy!!! Thank you for sharing with us Cheryl! Love, Jamie

  4. Hi! I just found you through your friend at Faerie Window and just had to tell you, Welcome to blogging!, and I think your work is amazing. Just love it! I'll be back for more!

  5. I so cannot believe my luck! I am beyond thrilled to have won and can't wait to get my hot little hands on this gorgeous piece! I am one happy camper.
