Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year

I hope that for all of you, 2011 will be a year filled with love, creativity, prosperity, and joy!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas wishes to all of you amazing people out there in blogland. I am so thankful for all the wonderful people I have come to know and so appreciate every comment left. It is such a heart-warming joy to be able to make friends online and have them enrich your life. I hope all of your Christmas wishes come true and the time spent with family and friends will make your heart sing. May the coming New Year be filled with joy, peace, prosperity and laughter.

Hugs to you all, Cheryl

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Inspired to journal

I bought a journal the other day to write down ideas and thoughts and had so much fun altering it that I was inspired to create five more! I thought I would offer these for sale in hopes to inspire the desire to journal in others.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Christmas in the air.

I found these wonderful cardboard ornament blanks at a local craft store and these are some of the ornaments I created with them. I love creating "smalls". It is so much fun to put little bits and pieces together and create away!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Turkey Day

Happy Thanksgiving wishes, may it be a joyous day to give thanks and blessings for family, friends and everything else that makes you happy!

Monday, November 22, 2010

A great time at the show!

It was a wonderful weekend spent at the Merry Maker's Show. I met such amazing artists and such wonderful people perusing all of the art. I wish it could have lasted longer!
I wish I could have photographed all of the booths but just did not have the time. Here are some pics of the ones that I did get. Here is the art of Laurie Meseroll

Laurie Corelis

My good friend Amy Dabbs

The Onion Patch

Scott Smith

Irene Gates

Here is my space

I cannot wait to attend next year's show!
I do have some work available, if you would like to take a peek just stop by here.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

More creations for the show

Here are some more pieces for the upcoming show this weekend!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

It's begining....

to look a lot like Christmas!! Sorry I have been away for awhile but I have been busy getting ready for this upcoming show on Nov. 20 and 21. For more info about all the great artists that will be there stop by here and take a peek!

Here are some close-ups of a few finished pieces, I will share more when I have them done.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Witchy creations

I got the chance to use all the wonderful photos and orange-colored pieces I found antiquing last weekend. I took the large round tin and created this piece using the lid, with an old plastic clock piece attached to it. Then I used the bottom of the tin and another clock case and other goodies on this piece.

I used the photo of these 2 women and one of the orange buttons on this one..

another one of the photos and the pair of sparkly black earrings found there way into this one

The last orange button and one of the wood blocks compliment this witch

The last piece used was the little old case with the orange velvet lining. To see close-ups of these pieces just click on my available work link on the left.

Now I have to start creating with the xmas goodies I found, time to break out the mica flakes!!